Monday, May 18, 2020
The Anxieties Of Modernity In Frankenstein And Dracula
In select gothic literature, anxieties of the times in which they were written tend to surface through important themes, characters and settings. Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley in 1818 and Dracula written by Bram Stoker in 1897 both share this characteristic by working through the anxieties of modernity, here meaning â€Å"the condition of being modern†, specifically between new world science and technology versus old world spirituality and faith. This manifests predominantly as the old traditional values of Europe contrasting with the rapid and modern changes within England which provides a point of contention between the two worlds. Therefore, within this essay I will argue that both Frankenstein and Dracula were written to negotiate†¦show more content†¦This is because the Monster is a creation of modern society and is created through the advances within science and technology due to (in Shelley’s mind) industrialisation. The Monster can be seen to ye arn for the Romantic European sensibilities, but being the personification of modernity means he is rejected from them: â€Å"I admired virtue and good feelings, and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers; but I was shut out from intercourse with them†¦which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows.†Dracula, on the other hand, was written during the Victorian era which followed after the Georgian era. It was a time of technological prosperity for England which featured introduction of the railway system, improved communication devices, and advances in medicine. These manifested within the novel in the form of predominant discussions of train travel, the appearance of phonographs and blood transfusions. The anxieties of modernity in Dracula focus on much the same as in Frankenstein: science and technology versus superstition and religious dogma, and old European sensibilities versus modern
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sports and Recreation in America - 3034 Words
As Americans we have grown up in a cultural that is dominated by sports and recreation. This is not a new phenomenon, as sports and recreation has been a key part of our society nearly from the inception. This research paper will look at four separate, but integral aspects that played an important role in the way in which colonial people participated in sports, and recreation. The four aspects that will be focused on are religion, social class, gender, and geographic location. I will outline how these played a role in terms of participation, and why they did so. However, to truly understand these concepts and their role on our society as a whole we have to look at how our country was founded. When the first settlers came to this new world they were not focused on creating suitable forms of recreation. They were focused on survival, or the search for riches. Leaders like John Smith helped to make sure settlements such as Jamestown remained in 1608, and his leadership placed a fo cus on survival, and establishing a settlement in this new world, rather than focusing on material riches, or recreation. As mentioned in American Colonies by Louis Wright, people that came over to this new world were the same people who enjoyed many of the liberties of life that they were provided back in England, such as theater. However, these forms of recreation were not present among these first settlers, as stated by Wright, â€Å"The reason for the early neglect of the drama are easy toShow MoreRelatedMidterm 1 Study Guide- incomplete Essay897 Words  | 4 Pagesreadings. Colonial Recreation and Leisure: How did changing Anglo-American attitudes about work, labor, and leisure in the 1600s and 1700s shape the recreational practices of colonial America? 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Many thousand people visit theRead MoreEssay about How Does Playing Games Affect the Mind?1180 Words  | 5 Pagesthere is so much to talk about games. From the History of games, to the vast variety of games in America! I mean think about it, you have to have played at least some sort of game, but first I need to not get ahead of myself and first get your more informed on the history of gamin in America! How did games come to America? Good question let us start off from the roots, before games even came to America. Dating back at least 2300 B.C Greeks, Japanese, Chinese and even Romans were know to be playingRead MoreBenefits of Recreation in Society and on the Body Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesBenefits of Recreation in Society and on the Body Recreation ========== Weve all heard it before, Personal recreational activities involves those actions that relax, refresh, and rejuvenate us - yet how much do we truly gain from these activities? 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How my life changed free essay sample
I swiped my hair back as it fell upon my wet brow. In a hurry, I scrambled to my feet and looked around the dark, sullen room that used to bring me such exuberant life and happiness; everything was packed. All of my colorful clothes, all of my pictures, and precious memories seemed to now lay lifeless in a bland cardboard box. I had no time to think anymore than I already had, no time to weep or gripe- I just wanted to leave. I draped my worn-out, tattered blanket over my shoulders, and I tiptoed to my bedroom door. For a moment I heard silence as I put my numb ear to the piece of plywood that separated me from the rest of the world. For that moment it was peaceful in my childhood home. Of course, that moment passed as quickly as it came; I suppose I hadnt enjoyed it enough to make it last. We will write a custom essay sample on How my life changed or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It stung me like an exasperated wasp as I began to heed the ongoing, ruthless lashing between my mother and father. At that moment, the only thing that seemed to matter in that house was my parents opinions, and who would win the fight this time; it wasnt me, it never was. Yet, as I heard their words of hate and blame being placed upon each other, I felt nothing. I guess emotions are complicated in that way. Usually, your heart breaks when something horrible happens to you or one you may love; yet, it was more my mental stability that shattered along with my parents divorce. Little by little I gathered my timid courage to gradually open my door. As my hand grasped that old doorknob, my complete hand froze as chills ran up my arm; the brassy metal felt like bitter ice against my burning skin. After a moment, my eyes strained around the doorsill as I gradually peeked out into the empty, bleak hallway. As I was about to take my first step out into the gloomy darkness, I heard heavy foo tsteps coming up the creaking stairs. Now, I had never been afraid of my loving dad. He had always been there for me, and I presume that he always will. However, at this moment in time his steps seemed much quicker, and heavier than usual, as if he were in a hurry. Hastily, I began to slam my door closed; but of course, I wasnt as speedy as he was. At that moment, I couldnt help but look at his face which was a deep rose color. He looked me in the eyes with the look of a man with a broken heart. As I stared back, I noticed the tears swelling in his deep blue eyes. Slowly he was able to speak, the words almost hidden with tears, asking me what was to come of him now. Being 13 and slightly immature, I had no idea or chance to think of the right words that would, or could ever comfort him. I stared at the floor. My head was blank and my mouth was dry. His voice was desperate as he proceeded to tell me that he had no one anymore; no body in his life worth living for, and he might as we ll be done with life. He proceeded to whimper words of hate; Yet, I believe these words were towards my mother who had taken his home, wife, and now his daughter from him (or so his mind told him). His words and tears struck at me like a sharply bladed knife. I had no idea at this time that he was mentally unstable; all I was worried about was his present safety. As I stared him in the eyes, I noticed that they were swollen from the tears that consumed them. They were bright red with splotches of drowning white and deep blue. My face felt like it was engulfed in frenzied flames; my palms felt as though they were dripping, my knees were weak and shook from shock and exhaustion. After sometime of listening to my father badger his life, and snivel about how he thought constantly about taking a rifle to his head, I allowed the looming tears to fall. In retrospect I learned how vulnerable a little girl could be during this tough time. However, I learned quite a lot about people in genera l, especially myself. I never understood how special life truly was until I pleaded and begged my father to keep his own. Each moment I beseeched my father, I thought of what would be left behind if I were to die in that moment. Every little thing in life (such as seeing the snow fall in the winter, or walking his daughter down the aisle) was examples I gave to my father. I believe that although these events of my parents divorce were a struggle, it made me a better person and forced me to become a more mature woman. This was a life experience that I could never possibly forget; but honestly, I dont think I would ever want to overlook this period of my life. Some people seem to lead perfect lives, with families that stick together and tragedies that never pester their years. However, each day I look at what I do have, and give thanks for everything that is left. I still have my father, my Mother and both of my brothers, as well as my own life. I believe the future holds great experi ences and opportunities for me, which is why Im proud to write this essay. I know that if I stay positive, anything can drift my way- and with it, success will closely follow.
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