Friday, January 31, 2020
Course reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Course reflection - Essay Example Important lesson learned here is that if one lives in the West, he should understand the Western culture very well especially the real civilization. In order to understand the entire cultural practices well, one should make an effort of attending musical classes, make a good relationship with the western scientists, and learn the philosophy well. For those who live in the United States, they have a clear knowledge about the society, and the kind of work people do there. High Points of the Course Defining Western Civilization Western Civilization is a combination various cultural practices, government systems, religions, values, heritages, and customs. It defines elements like, philosophy, spiritual believes, and cultural practices of western people. According to Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Western Civilization is all practices of western and central Europeans, which include North, and South America, and Australia. All this contributed to growth of overall globalization. Western Civi lization evolved over the centuries. Although development of Western Civilization did not occur during the time of Mesopotamians and Egyptians, their way of writing and different roles concerning gender was what Western Civilization became. ... When writing about past events or history of something, one should quote the exact dates when that event occurred. For Example, the European World War II started on September 1, 1939 and lasted until May 7, 1945. The use of dates is to put occurrence of events in the right order to know the development of events over a certain period. This dating of events also varies with historians. This is because some of the Western people use the Western calendar while others use the Hebrews calendar, which is extremely different from the western calendar. The first year of the Hebrews calendar is equivalent to year 3760 of the Western calendar. The most enjoyable part of the course The most enjoyable part of the course was the history of marriage in Western Civilization. The Romans, Hebrews, and Germanic people practiced they own marriage cultures. Marriage was an economical arrangement meaning that those getting married had no room to engage themselves in romantic love. In many of Western Hist ory, marriage was a matter involving only the husband and wife, but it was a concern of the two families, which brought them together. Parents were the ones to make choices of the men to marry their daughters. The married women usually had limited rights in the family than the husbands who were the head of the family. The women were to be the sub servants of their husbands. Surprisingly, granting someone divorce was easy because men had an advantage of marrying as many wives as they want. Marriage in Medieval Europe Introduction of Christianity in Europe brought a fabulous change in Europeans culture of marriage, although this change took long to take its roots. Although Roman law affected Christianity, it
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Problem with Optimism in Habral and Voltaire :: Free Essays Online
The Problem with Optimism in Habral and Voltaire Bohumil Hrabal’s I Served The King of England follows Ditie, a vertically challenged hotel busboy, through his experiences and adventures, which, in effect, alter his philosophies about life. In an eighteenth century parallel, French satirist Voltaire takes his title character, Candide on a long, perilous journey that results in a similar shift in beliefs. Characteristically, Ditie is similar to Candide, both men are very naà ¯ve by nature and eternally optimistic about the worlds they live in. Only after these worlds are turned upside down by wars, natural disasters, inquisitions, and political changes, do Candide and Ditie learn that in order to be happy with their lives they must â€Å"cultivate [their] garden;†[1] create an individualized path for themselves based on their own philosophies. The parallels between Candide and Ditie are most obvious at the beginning of the novels. The stories of the two characters begin with them living well in grand residences under fairly good circumstances. Ditie is a busboy at the Golden Prague Hotel where, while not on duty, the staff is treated like guests of a slightly lower class. He makes enough money in his side business as a hot dog vendor that he is able to indulge his teenage fantasies weekly at a local whorehouse. Candide is living in castle Thunder-ten-tronckh with the beautiful Cunegonde, with whom he is in love. Neither boy realizes how little the people think of them. Candide is looked down upon as an inferior because though he was born of a noble mother, she never married, so he is in fact a bastard. Ditie, much to his later frustration is limited by his small stature. In addition to these similarities, they are both wide-eyed young boys, extremely impressionable and eager to please. Candide accepts Doctor Pangloss’ theories of metaphysico-theologoco-cosmonology without question. In layman’s terms this is a ridiculous take on the belief that everything happens for a reason. Voltaire is making a satirical jab at religion as well as philosophers [2] ; Candide blindly follows the teachings of Doctor Pangloss, even though he does not fully understand the ideas, as if they were words from a god. Ditie awards the same admiration and blind faith to his first boss at the Golden Prague Hotel, who reminds him to see and hear everything and nothing at the same time.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Plasma Television And LCD Television Essay
Introduction Television technology has continued to evolve to be what it is today since the late 1930s when it was first commercially available. Today the television set has become a very basic household commodity in institutions and homes as source of entertainment and news. The T.V. today has evolved from the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) to such advanced technology like the Plasma and LCD televisions that have taken the world by storm. But what’s the difference between these two latest models? Outwardly the models are almost alike, they are thin and flat. However, they differ in the technology behind them though they deliver almost similar results. (Robert Silva) The technology behind the Plasma television is based on the fluorescent light lamb and the display consists of cells. A narrow gap separates the two glass panels within each cell, where neon-xenon gas is injected and sealed in plasma form in the process of manufacturing. The LCD television on the hand uses a different technology of manufacture. LCD panels that are made of two layers of transparent material are â€Å"polarized†and bound together. (Robert Silva)  A special polymer is coated in one of the layers that hold the various liquid crystals. To create an image, current is passed through each individual crystal, these allows the crystals to pass or block light forming an image. Because the crystals by nature do not produce their own light, external lights like a fluorescent bulb are required to illuminate the created images for visibility. (Robert Silva) LCD television is more expensive than the Plasma television, however most consumers or users are never interested in the technicalities thus do not understand the difference, all they look for is a stylish set to suit their homes. (Robert Silva) REFERENCE Robert Silva: What are the Differences Between an LCD TV and a Plasma TV? Retrieved on 17th March 2008, from
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Is the Love Between Romeo and Juliet Eternal
Is the Love Between Romeo and Juliet Eternal? Romeo and Juliet are considered to be an example of perfect blind love love that does not obey orders and listens only to the heart. Moreover, it was a tragic love, which did not last for long. Of course, one should not forget that they both are in heaven now and can enjoy one another for eternity. But would you like to experience such destiny yourself? Due to books and films of such kind, many of us initially suppose that we really love a person only if we are ready to die when their lives come to an end. Of course, ideas of such kind gradually vanish in our heads, though Juliet and Romeo are still believed to be the perfect lovers. Bearing in mind Shakespeares contribution to the world literature, let me state that he gave a bad example to the sensitive youth. Even now young people commit suicides without taking into account feelings of their parents and friends, when their beloved ones pass on to the Great Beyond. Though they should not forget that the death of one person is already a tragedy and it is very selfish to make people mourn on two occasions at a time. For this reason it would be much more sensible for writers to make people understand that difficulties and grieves must not destroy us. No one is saying that one must shake all the memories off his head and behave as if nothing has happened, but one can cultivate kindness in the name of their beloved ones so that they could watch from heaven and feel your eternal love.
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