Thursday, September 3, 2020
Salt Marsh and Mangroves (for Coastal Defence) Essay
Salt Marsh and Mangroves (for Coastal Defense) - Essay Example Mangroves give a decent site to fisheries as the nursery justification for youthful fish (fingerlings) and for laying their eggs. Mangrove woodland spread is a critical piece of the bio-decent variety of a region, for example, giving a decent territory for a large group of marine life. This is demonstrated by the nearness of three sorts of fauna found in mangroves which are occupant species (living basically among the mangroves), the occasional vagrants and the intermittent species which visit the mangrove stands now and again. The logical investigation of mangroves and salt bog as a feature of the protection endeavors is presently a perceived field in building and of studies in biology and oceanography. Mangrove woodlands are common environments in numerous beach front territories around the globe and give a characteristic waterfront barrier framework which is frequently ignored by nation organizers. Mangroves are a decent impediment against disintegration brought about by higher oc ean levels because of an unnatural weather change and a changed breeze design from different headings and speeds. Lamentably, mangroves are under danger today from human exercises and extension. This paper will talk about how mangroves and salt swamp are critical segments in the waterfront guard of zones undermined with disintegration from tides and solid breezes. It will at that point additionally tackle different issues concerning mangrove woodlands, for example, clearing them for kindling, charcoal and the other human needs, for example, for certain beach front improvements like retreats. (Crossland and Kremer 47). People today are progressively observed as significant impetuses for change among beach front procedures which had not been analyzed intently previously. Human intercessions in zones of the coast structure some portion of the bigger anthropocene in which bigger biological systems are affected. Different dangers to Mangrove Forests †mangroves are feeling the squeeze from us people particularly in created mangrove regions of the world, for example, those situated along the Niger and delta territories of the Ganges-Brahmaputra and the Irrawaddy in Burma (Kath iresan 476). Different dangers recognized are debasement and demolition of the mangroves, plant illness and a dangerous atmospheric devation from atmosphere changes. Some 90% of recognized worldwide mangroves are situated in creating nations which make these mangrove timberlands especially powerless against human misuse and extension of human exercises. The assessed 18 million kms2 of mangroves in 1997 has since been decreased to an insignificant 15 million square-kilometers; it takes a long effort for mangrove woodlands to recoup once these are demolished. Human Encroachments †this is maybe the best danger to mangroves because of the different exercises of people, for example, urbanization (like in Singapore), Bangkok, Rangoon and in India (Calcutta and Bombay). Another is agrarian extension from recovery exercises and for aquaculture purposes, for example, building lakes for shrimps. Different reasons are cutting the mangroves for kindling, charcoal and timber (mangrove lumbe r is profoundly impervious to the typical weakening of wood as a result of high phenol content). The mangrove zones are typically depleted of their salt water content utilizing precipitation water and shielded from salt water interruptions. Debasement †this outcomes when the wellbeing and profitability of the mangrove territories had weakened altogether from different causes. Among recognized causes are oil contamination, dumped
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marple Leaf Shoes Company
Evaluation of the exhibition framework The organization does its presentation examination every year during which the managers survey the representatives by granting scores to different parts of their employments. The presentation evaluation structures are straightforward demonstrating the differed components for employees’ assessment.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Marple Leaf Shoes’ Company explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The structure contains eight perspectives viz. amount and nature of work, reliability and activity at work, helpfulness and correspondence, vitality and energy and the employees’ socialization with colleagues. During evaluation, the chiefs should grant scores to every angle for every worker. This demonstrates the procedure repetitive given the enormous employees’ populace. The administrators attempt this activity in one day †31 December, consistently. The human asset division at that point completes total evaluations for every worker. To impact advancements inside various divisions, the human asset office utilizes the appraised data. The workplace likewise utilizes the data during pay increase for the representatives. Close assessment of the examination practice uncovers that the procedure is monotonous and tedious, particularly for the managers. The activity is additionally dependent upon singular control by the chiefs since the data contained in the assessment structures is straightforward. The assessment procedure is nonprofessional since the administration has never offered preparing to the managers on the most proficient method to do the procedure (Schwind, Das Wagar, 2009, p. 362). Because of volumes of the assessment shapes, the human asset work force thinks that its hard to recover any data required for advancements and pay climbs; along these lines rendering the procedure pointless and a misuse of assets. Suggestions First, the administration ought to receive a consistent exhibition examination as opposed to the present one-day practice. This technique will improve the validity of the assessment procedure. As the case appears, the present exercise is defenseless against control by the chiefs and the human asset work force. Truth be told, the review led astoundingly uncovered that, solitary 10% of the bosses clung to the principles of the evaluation (Schwind, Das Wagar, 2009, p.363). So as to uncover this regulatory negligence, the administration should plan another methodology where the managers have constrained ability to control the procedure. Preferably, a consistent evaluation approach would improve this accomplishment. Furthermore, the human asset division ought to adjust the substance and configuration of the evaluation structure. The parts of activity and constancy are to be sure confounding, particularly to such chiefs who have no abilities in execution assessment. Traditionally, activity individuals are dependable.Advertising L ooking for paper on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, so as to keep away from the dominant disarray, the administration ought to either join the two perspectives or expel the part of constancy. The structures ought to be planned such that, the directors recover a large portion of the data from the past records of the workers. For example, rather than utilizing quality as a perspective, the assessment should investigate victories and disappointments of explicit workers. This move will decrease the limit and likelihood of chiefs giving incorrectly or foreordained data. Since the bosses need to manage in excess of 700 workers, the procedure is tedious. Consequently, modifying the substance of these structures to decrease time used will spare the organization significant expenses. At long last, the administration ought to give preparing to the managers on examination execution in light of the f act that the preparation will make the procedure proficient and in this manner a significant apparatus for dynamic by the human asset office. Therefore, the company’s advancements and compensation increase measure will be believable and fulfilling to the workers and the administration. Then again, the administration can recruit the administrations of an outside expert to screen the procedure. This move will guarantee that the directors stick to the standards of the procedure and subsequently make the procedure helpful to the organization. Reference Schwind, H., Das, H., Wagar, T. (2007). Canadian Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach (eighth ed). Ontario; McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Print. This exposition on Marple Leaf Shoes’ Company was composed and presented by client Rudy Benton to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Freedom vs. Determination Essay -- comparison
Are we decided or are we free? This is an inquiry that is fervently bantered on the two sides of the issue. Determinists would state that we, as people, are resolved through our general public, religion, and, a large portion of all, by our families. However, supporters of choice would have contentions for every one of these equivalent focuses in their favor. I state that regardless of what direction one methodologies this subject one finds both, unrestrained choice and determinism, in every one of these contentions. Society, for one, can be viewed as deciding one's open conduct, moral duty, and how one is to make due in the present environment. So how does society decide these focuses? Indeed, that is basic. Open conduct is set by the constraints of general respectability, just as, its ordinary standard of politeness. Someone can't go outside without the best possible attire nor would they be able to wear something that would be viewed as hostile in the perspective on society's dictation. Acceptable habits and a wonderful disposition are fundamental to one's dealings with others. Without them, you would definitely be viewed as an outcast. The following perspective controlled by society is that of good responsibility. This point is held in high respect to the productive working of society as a whole. To encourage this reason, we will undoubtedly instruct our kids with the comprehension of what is correct and what is wrong. We ingrain in them that they will be considered responsible for their activities and that there are results to each action. Finally, so as to get the necessities... ...lassics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 180-198. Statement of Independence. The Harvard Classics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 150-155. Encarta: The Complete Interactive Multimedia Encyclopedia. Hallowed Koran. 1995 Edition. Album ROM. Phoenix, Arizona: Microsoft Corporation, 1995. Huxley, Aldous. Fearless New World. Philosophy: A Literary and Conceptual Approach. Third Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Incorporated, 1995. pp 242-247. New Catholic Translation Bible, The. Revised Edition. Nashville, Tennessee: Catholic Bible Press, 1987. Opportunity versus Assurance Essay - correlation Are we decided or are we free? This is an inquiry that is fervently bantered on the two sides of the issue. Determinists would state that we, as people, are resolved through our general public, religion, and, the greater part of all, by our families. However, supporters of unrestrained choice would have contentions for every one of these equivalent focuses in their favor. I state that regardless of what direction one methodologies this subject one finds both, choice and determinism, in every one of these contentions. Society, for one, can be viewed as deciding one's open conduct, moral obligation, and how one is to make due in the present environment. So how does society decide these focuses? All things considered, that is straightforward. Open conduct is set by the constraints of general fairness, just as, its traditional standard of politeness. Someone can't go outside without the best possible garments nor would they be able to wear something that would be viewed as hostile in the perspective on society's dictation. Acceptable habits and a wonderful air are fundamental to one's dealings with others. Without them, you would doubtlessly be viewed as an outcast. The following angle controlled by society is that of good responsibility. This point is held in high respect to the productive working of society as a whole. To encourage this reason, we will undoubtedly teach our kids with the comprehension of what is correct and what is wrong. We ingrain in them that they will be considered responsible for their activities and that there are results to each action. Ultimately, so as to acquire the necessities... ...lassics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 180-198. Revelation of Independence. The Harvard Classics: American Historical Documents. Third Edition. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Enterprises Corporation, 1994. pp 150-155. Encarta: The Complete Interactive Multimedia Encyclopedia. Holy Koran. 1995 Edition. Compact disc ROM. Phoenix, Arizona: Microsoft Corporation, 1995. Huxley, Aldous. Bold New World. Philosophy: A Literary and Conceptual Approach. Third Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Incorporated, 1995. pp 242-247. New Catholic Translation Bible, The. Revised Edition. Nashville, Tennessee: Catholic Bible Press, 1987.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Increased Reliance on Nuclear Energy and Wind Power - 1375 Words
Increased Reliance on Nuclear Energy and Wind Power (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Increased Reliance on Nuclear Energy and Wind Power Most of the national governments across the world have taken up the support towards policies designed to address the issue of carbon emission reductions which are rather performance-based as well as technology neutral. Even as the agencies believe that nuclear energy bears an essential role in addressing such global needs in terms of reducing emissions based on energy generation, it remains the position of such agencies that the carbon-reduction policies are not explicitly privileged any a given energy source over others. For this reason, the policies are continually evaluated on energy sources based on their respective abilities in reliably contributing to the attainment of the carbon reduction goals. Up to the present day, there are few states as well as local governments which have fully embraced the approaches that in turn explicitly include elements of nuclear energy across the target ed ways for the reduction of carbon emissions (Stolten Scherer 67). For this reason, there are clean and renewable energy portfolios which are mandated for both technologies and fuel sources. As such, this will exclude all other forms of energy technologies regarded on a priori basis. The governments are also contending that the technology neutral policies (performance-based) approaches will be a standard measure for the best ways of encouraging innovation and achieving intended courses of action such as the carbon reduction goals. It is considered that nuclear energy remains an essential component for the policies which are designed towards addressing the risks availed by the changing climate patterns and the future energy needs. This is also coupled with the belief that increased engagement of nuclear energy to offset the fossil fuels use where appropriate presents an effective way of actually reducing the levels of global carbon emissions. Further, nuclear energy delivers compre hensive large amounts of such reliable and economically competitive forms of electricity that has no carbon emissions in the reactor operations. It also has the lowest lifecycle levels of carbon emissions among all other energy sources. The nuclear energy becomes an essential component of the most appropriate energy technologies that has a proven capability to deliver large amounts of electricity base-load that is beneficial to modern industrial societies. It is also recognized that the energy diversity value reflects other subsequent low-carbon energy technologies (including wind, solar as well as hydro) (Wengenmayr Bihrke 89). These should be deployed appropriately in course of recognizing the overall drawbacks and benefits linked to each of the technologies. On the other hand, with an exception of hydro, all renewable sources will be limited by the levels of intermittency which requires backup power storage or generation capabilities. For this reason, the competing priorities li ke land use and wildlife protection requirements constrain contributions of such inherently diffusing energy sources. In these cases, the policymakers will be careful to evaluate the external costs for such energy technologies.In a practical manner, the non-hydro renewable are in turn in a position of supplying up to 1520% of the overall capacity of the national electricity grid even though they directly cannot be applicable to be economic substitutes for the nuclear or coal power. However, the significant consideration is that there are various areas which have favorable conditions. For these reasons, the fundamental opportunity of the renewable energies is based on the abundance and widespread occurrence as well as the fundamental challenge for electricity supply in applying them to address demand with respect to the diffuse and variable nature. Such aspects also mean that they will be reliable electricity duplicate sources beyond normal system reserves and the electricity storage means (Stolten Scherer 73). Relatively, the few places develop scope in terms of pumped storage dams which are close the power needing areas as well as the overall efficiency which is less than 80%. The means of storing electricity in large amounts especial in giant batteries and by subsequent means are yet to be developed.The bottom line is that in case people would want clean water, clean air, and open spaces (not filled with enormous, intrusive, man-made structures such as square miles of solar panels and wind turbines on tall towers on deep and massive foundations having blades sweeping through the air across hundred miles every hour on the blade tip, there is a need to fight for nuclear energy over the industrial scale solar and wind. The campaigning on the notion that careful engineering, construction and maintenance of buildings as well as equipment (which are not even to be considered for important environmental concepts of recycle, reuse, restore and repair) should stop ( Sayigh 72). Failure to this, deciding not to do anything in ones power to avail protection to the natural environment for all forms of reasons possible, a generation of environmentalists will be lost.Nuclear energy proponents argue that the advantages of nuclear power include the fact that it is a sustainable energy source that comes in handy in the reduction of carbon emissions as well as increasing the energy security in the event that the application suppliants are dependent on the imported fuels. Further, proponents of this aspect also advance a notion that such nuclear power virtually produces no air pollution as contrasted to chief viable alternatives to fossil fuels. It is also believed that the nuclear power is based on the viable courses towards the achievement of energy independence across various Western countries (Sadgrove 74). The emphasis in this case is that the overall risks of having to store waste become smaller and could be reduced through the use the latest inven tions and technologies of newer reactors as well as the operational safety records from the Western world as excellent trends in comparison to the major forms of power plants.However, opponents of nuclear power usage maintain that it poses a whole range of threats to mankind as well as the environment pointing to studies based on the literature questioning whether or not it will qualify as a sustainable source of energy. Such threats will include the health risks as well as environmental damage resulting from uranium mining, transport and processing where the nuclear weapons proliferation risks or sabotage may lead to unsolved problems of addressing and handling radioactive nuclear wastes. They contend that the reactors by themselves are extremely complex machines for cases where such things do go wrong. There are many severe nuclear accidents as a result (Richarz Schulz 19). Most of these critics do not bear a belief that the risks are reduced on the basis of new technology. They continue to argue that while all these nuclear fuel chain energy-intensive stages are considered, ranging from uranium mining all the way to the nuclear decommissioning, various kinds of nuclear power are n... Increased Reliance on Nuclear Energy and Wind Power - 1375 Words Increased Reliance on Nuclear Energy and Wind Power (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Increased Reliance on Nuclear Energy and Wind Power Most of the national governments across the world have taken up the support towards policies designed to address the issue of carbon emission reductions which are rather performance-based as well as technology neutral. Even as the agencies believe that nuclear energy bears an essential role in addressing such global needs in terms of reducing emissions based on energy generation, it remains the position of such agencies that the carbon-reduction policies are not explicitly privileged any a given energy source over others. For this reason, the policies are continually evaluated on energy sources based on their respective abilities in reliably contributing to the attainment of the carbon reduction goals. Up to the present day, there are few states as well as local governments which have fully embraced the approaches that in turn explicitly include elements of nuclear energy across the target ed ways for the reduction of carbon emissions (Stolten Scherer 67). For this reason, there are clean and renewable energy portfolios which are mandated for both technologies and fuel sources. As such, this will exclude all other forms of energy technologies regarded on a priori basis. The governments are also contending that the technology neutral policies (performance-based) approaches will be a standard measure for the best ways of encouraging innovation and achieving intended courses of action such as the carbon reduction goals. It is considered that nuclear energy remains an essential component for the policies which are designed towards addressing the risks availed by the changing climate patterns and the future energy needs. This is also coupled with the belief that increased engagement of nuclear energy to offset the fossil fuels use where appropriate presents an effective way of actually reducing the levels of global carbon emissions. Further, nuclear energy delivers compre hensive large amounts of such reliable and economically competitive forms of electricity that has no carbon emissions in the reactor operations. It also has the lowest lifecycle levels of carbon emissions among all other energy sources. The nuclear energy becomes an essential component of the most appropriate energy technologies that has a proven capability to deliver large amounts of electricity base-load that is beneficial to modern industrial societies. It is also recognized that the energy diversity value reflects other subsequent low-carbon energy technologies (including wind, solar as well as hydro) (Wengenmayr Bihrke 89). These should be deployed appropriately in course of recognizing the overall drawbacks and benefits linked to each of the technologies. On the other hand, with an exception of hydro, all renewable sources will be limited by the levels of intermittency which requires backup power storage or generation capabilities. For this reason, the competing priorities li ke land use and wildlife protection requirements constrain contributions of such inherently diffusing energy sources. In these cases, the policymakers will be careful to evaluate the external costs for such energy technologies.In a practical manner, the non-hydro renewable are in turn in a position of supplying up to 1520% of the overall capacity of the national electricity grid even though they directly cannot be applicable to be economic substitutes for the nuclear or coal power. However, the significant consideration is that there are various areas which have favorable conditions. For these reasons, the fundamental opportunity of the renewable energies is based on the abundance and widespread occurrence as well as the fundamental challenge for electricity supply in applying them to address demand with respect to the diffuse and variable nature. Such aspects also mean that they will be reliable electricity duplicate sources beyond normal system reserves and the electricity storage means (Stolten Scherer 73). Relatively, the few places develop scope in terms of pumped storage dams which are close the power needing areas as well as the overall efficiency which is less than 80%. The means of storing electricity in large amounts especial in giant batteries and by subsequent means are yet to be developed.The bottom line is that in case people would want clean water, clean air, and open spaces (not filled with enormous, intrusive, man-made structures such as square miles of solar panels and wind turbines on tall towers on deep and massive foundations having blades sweeping through the air across hundred miles every hour on the blade tip, there is a need to fight for nuclear energy over the industrial scale solar and wind. The campaigning on the notion that careful engineering, construction and maintenance of buildings as well as equipment (which are not even to be considered for important environmental concepts of recycle, reuse, restore and repair) should stop ( Sayigh 72). Failure to this, deciding not to do anything in ones power to avail protection to the natural environment for all forms of reasons possible, a generation of environmentalists will be lost.Nuclear energy proponents argue that the advantages of nuclear power include the fact that it is a sustainable energy source that comes in handy in the reduction of carbon emissions as well as increasing the energy security in the event that the application suppliants are dependent on the imported fuels. Further, proponents of this aspect also advance a notion that such nuclear power virtually produces no air pollution as contrasted to chief viable alternatives to fossil fuels. It is also believed that the nuclear power is based on the viable courses towards the achievement of energy independence across various Western countries (Sadgrove 74). The emphasis in this case is that the overall risks of having to store waste become smaller and could be reduced through the use the latest inven tions and technologies of newer reactors as well as the operational safety records from the Western world as excellent trends in comparison to the major forms of power plants.However, opponents of nuclear power usage maintain that it poses a whole range of threats to mankind as well as the environment pointing to studies based on the literature questioning whether or not it will qualify as a sustainable source of energy. Such threats will include the health risks as well as environmental damage resulting from uranium mining, transport and processing where the nuclear weapons proliferation risks or sabotage may lead to unsolved problems of addressing and handling radioactive nuclear wastes. They contend that the reactors by themselves are extremely complex machines for cases where such things do go wrong. There are many severe nuclear accidents as a result (Richarz Schulz 19). Most of these critics do not bear a belief that the risks are reduced on the basis of new technology. They continue to argue that while all these nuclear fuel chain energy-intensive stages are considered, ranging from uranium mining all the way to the nuclear decommissioning, various kinds of nuclear power are n...
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Anxieties Of Modernity In Frankenstein And Dracula
In select gothic literature, anxieties of the times in which they were written tend to surface through important themes, characters and settings. Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley in 1818 and Dracula written by Bram Stoker in 1897 both share this characteristic by working through the anxieties of modernity, here meaning â€Å"the condition of being modern†, specifically between new world science and technology versus old world spirituality and faith. This manifests predominantly as the old traditional values of Europe contrasting with the rapid and modern changes within England which provides a point of contention between the two worlds. Therefore, within this essay I will argue that both Frankenstein and Dracula were written to negotiate†¦show more content†¦This is because the Monster is a creation of modern society and is created through the advances within science and technology due to (in Shelley’s mind) industrialisation. The Monster can be seen to ye arn for the Romantic European sensibilities, but being the personification of modernity means he is rejected from them: â€Å"I admired virtue and good feelings, and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers; but I was shut out from intercourse with them†¦which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows.†Dracula, on the other hand, was written during the Victorian era which followed after the Georgian era. It was a time of technological prosperity for England which featured introduction of the railway system, improved communication devices, and advances in medicine. These manifested within the novel in the form of predominant discussions of train travel, the appearance of phonographs and blood transfusions. The anxieties of modernity in Dracula focus on much the same as in Frankenstein: science and technology versus superstition and religious dogma, and old European sensibilities versus modern
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sports and Recreation in America - 3034 Words
As Americans we have grown up in a cultural that is dominated by sports and recreation. This is not a new phenomenon, as sports and recreation has been a key part of our society nearly from the inception. This research paper will look at four separate, but integral aspects that played an important role in the way in which colonial people participated in sports, and recreation. The four aspects that will be focused on are religion, social class, gender, and geographic location. I will outline how these played a role in terms of participation, and why they did so. However, to truly understand these concepts and their role on our society as a whole we have to look at how our country was founded. When the first settlers came to this new world they were not focused on creating suitable forms of recreation. They were focused on survival, or the search for riches. Leaders like John Smith helped to make sure settlements such as Jamestown remained in 1608, and his leadership placed a fo cus on survival, and establishing a settlement in this new world, rather than focusing on material riches, or recreation. As mentioned in American Colonies by Louis Wright, people that came over to this new world were the same people who enjoyed many of the liberties of life that they were provided back in England, such as theater. However, these forms of recreation were not present among these first settlers, as stated by Wright, â€Å"The reason for the early neglect of the drama are easy toShow MoreRelatedMidterm 1 Study Guide- incomplete Essay897 Words  | 4 Pagesreadings. Colonial Recreation and Leisure: How did changing Anglo-American attitudes about work, labor, and leisure in the 1600s and 1700s shape the recreational practices of colonial America? 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Many thousand people visit theRead MoreEssay about How Does Playing Games Affect the Mind?1180 Words  | 5 Pagesthere is so much to talk about games. From the History of games, to the vast variety of games in America! I mean think about it, you have to have played at least some sort of game, but first I need to not get ahead of myself and first get your more informed on the history of gamin in America! How did games come to America? Good question let us start off from the roots, before games even came to America. Dating back at least 2300 B.C Greeks, Japanese, Chinese and even Romans were know to be playingRead MoreBenefits of Recreation in Society and on the Body Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesBenefits of Recreation in Society and on the Body Recreation ========== Weve all heard it before, Personal recreational activities involves those actions that relax, refresh, and rejuvenate us - yet how much do we truly gain from these activities? 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How my life changed free essay sample
I swiped my hair back as it fell upon my wet brow. In a hurry, I scrambled to my feet and looked around the dark, sullen room that used to bring me such exuberant life and happiness; everything was packed. All of my colorful clothes, all of my pictures, and precious memories seemed to now lay lifeless in a bland cardboard box. I had no time to think anymore than I already had, no time to weep or gripe- I just wanted to leave. I draped my worn-out, tattered blanket over my shoulders, and I tiptoed to my bedroom door. For a moment I heard silence as I put my numb ear to the piece of plywood that separated me from the rest of the world. For that moment it was peaceful in my childhood home. Of course, that moment passed as quickly as it came; I suppose I hadnt enjoyed it enough to make it last. We will write a custom essay sample on How my life changed or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It stung me like an exasperated wasp as I began to heed the ongoing, ruthless lashing between my mother and father. At that moment, the only thing that seemed to matter in that house was my parents opinions, and who would win the fight this time; it wasnt me, it never was. Yet, as I heard their words of hate and blame being placed upon each other, I felt nothing. I guess emotions are complicated in that way. Usually, your heart breaks when something horrible happens to you or one you may love; yet, it was more my mental stability that shattered along with my parents divorce. Little by little I gathered my timid courage to gradually open my door. As my hand grasped that old doorknob, my complete hand froze as chills ran up my arm; the brassy metal felt like bitter ice against my burning skin. After a moment, my eyes strained around the doorsill as I gradually peeked out into the empty, bleak hallway. As I was about to take my first step out into the gloomy darkness, I heard heavy foo tsteps coming up the creaking stairs. Now, I had never been afraid of my loving dad. He had always been there for me, and I presume that he always will. However, at this moment in time his steps seemed much quicker, and heavier than usual, as if he were in a hurry. Hastily, I began to slam my door closed; but of course, I wasnt as speedy as he was. At that moment, I couldnt help but look at his face which was a deep rose color. He looked me in the eyes with the look of a man with a broken heart. As I stared back, I noticed the tears swelling in his deep blue eyes. Slowly he was able to speak, the words almost hidden with tears, asking me what was to come of him now. Being 13 and slightly immature, I had no idea or chance to think of the right words that would, or could ever comfort him. I stared at the floor. My head was blank and my mouth was dry. His voice was desperate as he proceeded to tell me that he had no one anymore; no body in his life worth living for, and he might as we ll be done with life. He proceeded to whimper words of hate; Yet, I believe these words were towards my mother who had taken his home, wife, and now his daughter from him (or so his mind told him). His words and tears struck at me like a sharply bladed knife. I had no idea at this time that he was mentally unstable; all I was worried about was his present safety. As I stared him in the eyes, I noticed that they were swollen from the tears that consumed them. They were bright red with splotches of drowning white and deep blue. My face felt like it was engulfed in frenzied flames; my palms felt as though they were dripping, my knees were weak and shook from shock and exhaustion. After sometime of listening to my father badger his life, and snivel about how he thought constantly about taking a rifle to his head, I allowed the looming tears to fall. In retrospect I learned how vulnerable a little girl could be during this tough time. However, I learned quite a lot about people in genera l, especially myself. I never understood how special life truly was until I pleaded and begged my father to keep his own. Each moment I beseeched my father, I thought of what would be left behind if I were to die in that moment. Every little thing in life (such as seeing the snow fall in the winter, or walking his daughter down the aisle) was examples I gave to my father. I believe that although these events of my parents divorce were a struggle, it made me a better person and forced me to become a more mature woman. This was a life experience that I could never possibly forget; but honestly, I dont think I would ever want to overlook this period of my life. Some people seem to lead perfect lives, with families that stick together and tragedies that never pester their years. However, each day I look at what I do have, and give thanks for everything that is left. I still have my father, my Mother and both of my brothers, as well as my own life. I believe the future holds great experi ences and opportunities for me, which is why Im proud to write this essay. I know that if I stay positive, anything can drift my way- and with it, success will closely follow.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Road Not Taken By Frost Essays - The Road Not Taken, Choice, Stanza
Road Not Taken By Frost "The Road Not Taken" Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of the continuous journey of life. There is never a straight path that leaves someone with a single direction to head. Regardless of the message that Robert Frost had intended to convey, his poem "The Road Not Taken", has left many interpretations for his readers. It is one's past, present, and his attitude with which he looks upon his future. In any case however, this poem clearly demonstrates Frost's belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is. It is always difficult to make a decision because it is impossible to wander what opportunity lies at the other end and what will be missed out on. The narrator and also the traveler exemplifies this by saying "And sorry I could not travel both", in line two of the poem. There is a strong sense of regret even before the choice of the path was chosen. This shows that in one lifetime, it is impossible to travel every path which you are confrunted with. In an attempt to make a decision, the traveler "looks down one as far as I could" (stanza 1, line 4). The road he chooses leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much as he strains his eyes to see how far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision, to the point where he can not see where the road will lead. It is the way that he chooses here that sets him off on his journey. The traveler "then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claims" (stanza 2, line 1). What gave off the better claim is that "it was grassy and wanted wear" (stanza 2, line3). Obviously he wanted the path with less wear because the majority of the other people took the other path therefore calling it "the one less traveled by" (stanza 3, line 4). The fact the traveler selected this path over the more traveled one, indicates the type of personality he has. It is one that likes to be a leader and not a follower. This individual's personality is the type that likes to explore and expand beyond it's limits. His experimenting personality noticed the leaves that covered the ground. His decision was made on which path he would take when he made the statement since the time they had fallen "no step had trodden black" (stanza 2, line 7). Perhaps Frost does this because each time a traveler comes to this point they have to make a decision, something new, somewhere they have never been before. He expresses the desire to travel both paths by saying "I kept the first for another day" (stanza 2, line 8). However the speaker realizes his decision is a permanent choice, "knowing how way leads on to way" (stanza 2, line 9). This is common sense now that his choice will affect all of his other choices down the road in life. Once again at the end of the poem the regret sets in, realizing at the end of his life, "somewhere ages and ages hence" (stanza 3, line2) he changed the path of his life, wandering what was down the other road, which he did not take. However, he remains proud of his choices in life's decisions and realizes that his choice made him who he actually turned out to be. The poem, "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost has many valid meanings. Depending on the reader of the poem it may be interpreted in a different way or even misinterpreted at certain points throughout. He may have been trying to achieve a universal understanding. In other words, there is simply a traveler who makes a decision in his life that changed the direction of his life from what it may have otherwise been.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Chinese Birthday Customs of for Elderly People
Chinese Birthday Customs of for Elderly People Traditionally, Chinese people do not pay a lot of attention to birthdays until they are 60 years old. The 60th birthday is regarded as a very important point of life and there is often a big celebration. After that, a birthday celebration is held every ten years; on the 70th, 80th, etc, until the persons death. Generally, the older the person is, the greater the celebration occasion is. Counting the Years The traditional Chinese way to count age is different from the Western way. In China, people take the first day of the Chinese New Year in the lunar calendar as the starting point of a new age. No matter in which month a child is born, he is one year old, and one more year is added to his age as soon as he enters the New Year. So what may puzzle a Westerner is that a child is two years old when he is actually two days or two hours old. This is possible when the child is born on the last day or hour of the past year. Celebrating an Elderly Family Member It is often the grown-up sons and daughters who celebrate their elderly parents birthdays. This shows their respect and expresses their thanks for what their parents have done for them. According to the traditional customs, the parents are offered foods with happy symbolic implications. On the birthday morning, the father or mother will eat a bowl of long long-life noodles. In China, long noodles symbolize a long life. Eggs are also among the best choices of food taken on a special occasion. To make the occasion grand, other relatives and friends are invited to the celebration. In Chinese culture, 60 years makes a cycle of life and 61 is regarded as the beginning of a new life cycle. When one is 60 years old, he is expected to have a big family filled with children and grandchildren. It is an age to be proud of and celebrated. Traditional Birthday Foods Regardless of the celebrations scale, peaches and noodlesboth signs of long lifeare required. Interestingly, the peaches are not real, they are actually steamed wheaten food with a sweet filling. They are called peaches because they are made in the shape of peaches. When the noodles are cooked, they should not be cut short, as shortened noodles can have a bad implication. Everyone at the celebration eats the two foods to extend their best wishes to the long-life star. The typical birthday presents are usually two or four eggs, long noodles, artificial peaches, tonics, wine and money in red paper.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Is Evolution True Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Is Evolution True - Essay Example Individuals who have better survival characteristics will have greater chance of reproducing and pass on those characteristics to the off springs (Shubin, 2009). Comparative anatomy is the evidence that two different species of animals share similar anatomical similarities such as similar bone structures. For example, whales and hummingbirds have tetrapod skeletons that are inherited from a common ancestor. However, their bodies have changed and parts have been lost through natural selection. Another example that clearly demonstrates this is the similarities between crocodiles and alligators (Coyne, 2010). Comparative embryology is another concept supporting the theory of natural selection. All vertebrate embryos follow a similar developmental path because of their common ancestry. These embryos have a similar basic body plan due to the similar set of genes they exhibit. For example, the embryos of humans, fish, birds and rabbits look very similar during the early stages. In addition, they all have gill slits and two-chambered heart (Shubin, 2009). In conclusion, evolution by natural selection can still be exhibited in day to day life. For example, nowadays bacteria and viruses are constantly becoming resistant to antibiotics that would work effectively previously. Also, if two people get into a fight, the strongest is likely to win or whereby the strongest and fastest sperm cell usually fertilizes the ovum in
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
The Treachery of Images Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
The Treachery of Images - Essay Example The important distinction between them, which is present in the Magritte’s works, follows: words reference the world and images represent the world. His ideas about real and unreal differ from the classical concepts. Rene Magritte argued that: "Sometimes the image of the object takes the place of its name. The word can take place of the object in the reality. From the mismatch the artist came to the denial. By writing "This is not a pipe" he brings havoc to all the traditional relationship between word and image. The word "representational," when it’s used as a determination for a work of art, means that the painting depicts something taken from a real world which most spectators can easily recognize. Representation can be regarded as a smooth transition between artist’s thoughts and the real embodiment of a piece of art, whereas the understanding of representation by an audience may not coincide with the initial artist’s idea. At the same time the artist tries to convey the idea so that it could be understood by the audience, so, representational pieces of art requires one’s efforts to understand it since itis initially presupposed to contain some particular sense. This type of art is clearly seen on the painting of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife by Van Eyck and The Rocky Mountains by Bierstadt. Abstract art in its turn, tends to "harmonization", to the creation of a combination of certain colors and geometric shapes in order to cause a variety of contemplative associations. Abstract aims to create an extremely saturated painting with quite an ambiguous meaning conveyed by its figures.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Course reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Course reflection - Essay Example Important lesson learned here is that if one lives in the West, he should understand the Western culture very well especially the real civilization. In order to understand the entire cultural practices well, one should make an effort of attending musical classes, make a good relationship with the western scientists, and learn the philosophy well. For those who live in the United States, they have a clear knowledge about the society, and the kind of work people do there. High Points of the Course Defining Western Civilization Western Civilization is a combination various cultural practices, government systems, religions, values, heritages, and customs. It defines elements like, philosophy, spiritual believes, and cultural practices of western people. According to Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Western Civilization is all practices of western and central Europeans, which include North, and South America, and Australia. All this contributed to growth of overall globalization. Western Civi lization evolved over the centuries. Although development of Western Civilization did not occur during the time of Mesopotamians and Egyptians, their way of writing and different roles concerning gender was what Western Civilization became. ... When writing about past events or history of something, one should quote the exact dates when that event occurred. For Example, the European World War II started on September 1, 1939 and lasted until May 7, 1945. The use of dates is to put occurrence of events in the right order to know the development of events over a certain period. This dating of events also varies with historians. This is because some of the Western people use the Western calendar while others use the Hebrews calendar, which is extremely different from the western calendar. The first year of the Hebrews calendar is equivalent to year 3760 of the Western calendar. The most enjoyable part of the course The most enjoyable part of the course was the history of marriage in Western Civilization. The Romans, Hebrews, and Germanic people practiced they own marriage cultures. Marriage was an economical arrangement meaning that those getting married had no room to engage themselves in romantic love. In many of Western Hist ory, marriage was a matter involving only the husband and wife, but it was a concern of the two families, which brought them together. Parents were the ones to make choices of the men to marry their daughters. The married women usually had limited rights in the family than the husbands who were the head of the family. The women were to be the sub servants of their husbands. Surprisingly, granting someone divorce was easy because men had an advantage of marrying as many wives as they want. Marriage in Medieval Europe Introduction of Christianity in Europe brought a fabulous change in Europeans culture of marriage, although this change took long to take its roots. Although Roman law affected Christianity, it
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Problem with Optimism in Habral and Voltaire :: Free Essays Online
The Problem with Optimism in Habral and Voltaire Bohumil Hrabal’s I Served The King of England follows Ditie, a vertically challenged hotel busboy, through his experiences and adventures, which, in effect, alter his philosophies about life. In an eighteenth century parallel, French satirist Voltaire takes his title character, Candide on a long, perilous journey that results in a similar shift in beliefs. Characteristically, Ditie is similar to Candide, both men are very naà ¯ve by nature and eternally optimistic about the worlds they live in. Only after these worlds are turned upside down by wars, natural disasters, inquisitions, and political changes, do Candide and Ditie learn that in order to be happy with their lives they must â€Å"cultivate [their] garden;†[1] create an individualized path for themselves based on their own philosophies. The parallels between Candide and Ditie are most obvious at the beginning of the novels. The stories of the two characters begin with them living well in grand residences under fairly good circumstances. Ditie is a busboy at the Golden Prague Hotel where, while not on duty, the staff is treated like guests of a slightly lower class. He makes enough money in his side business as a hot dog vendor that he is able to indulge his teenage fantasies weekly at a local whorehouse. Candide is living in castle Thunder-ten-tronckh with the beautiful Cunegonde, with whom he is in love. Neither boy realizes how little the people think of them. Candide is looked down upon as an inferior because though he was born of a noble mother, she never married, so he is in fact a bastard. Ditie, much to his later frustration is limited by his small stature. In addition to these similarities, they are both wide-eyed young boys, extremely impressionable and eager to please. Candide accepts Doctor Pangloss’ theories of metaphysico-theologoco-cosmonology without question. In layman’s terms this is a ridiculous take on the belief that everything happens for a reason. Voltaire is making a satirical jab at religion as well as philosophers [2] ; Candide blindly follows the teachings of Doctor Pangloss, even though he does not fully understand the ideas, as if they were words from a god. Ditie awards the same admiration and blind faith to his first boss at the Golden Prague Hotel, who reminds him to see and hear everything and nothing at the same time.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Plasma Television And LCD Television Essay
Introduction Television technology has continued to evolve to be what it is today since the late 1930s when it was first commercially available. Today the television set has become a very basic household commodity in institutions and homes as source of entertainment and news. The T.V. today has evolved from the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) to such advanced technology like the Plasma and LCD televisions that have taken the world by storm. But what’s the difference between these two latest models? Outwardly the models are almost alike, they are thin and flat. However, they differ in the technology behind them though they deliver almost similar results. (Robert Silva) The technology behind the Plasma television is based on the fluorescent light lamb and the display consists of cells. A narrow gap separates the two glass panels within each cell, where neon-xenon gas is injected and sealed in plasma form in the process of manufacturing. The LCD television on the hand uses a different technology of manufacture. LCD panels that are made of two layers of transparent material are â€Å"polarized†and bound together. (Robert Silva)  A special polymer is coated in one of the layers that hold the various liquid crystals. To create an image, current is passed through each individual crystal, these allows the crystals to pass or block light forming an image. Because the crystals by nature do not produce their own light, external lights like a fluorescent bulb are required to illuminate the created images for visibility. (Robert Silva) LCD television is more expensive than the Plasma television, however most consumers or users are never interested in the technicalities thus do not understand the difference, all they look for is a stylish set to suit their homes. (Robert Silva) REFERENCE Robert Silva: What are the Differences Between an LCD TV and a Plasma TV? Retrieved on 17th March 2008, from
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Is the Love Between Romeo and Juliet Eternal
Is the Love Between Romeo and Juliet Eternal? Romeo and Juliet are considered to be an example of perfect blind love love that does not obey orders and listens only to the heart. Moreover, it was a tragic love, which did not last for long. Of course, one should not forget that they both are in heaven now and can enjoy one another for eternity. But would you like to experience such destiny yourself? Due to books and films of such kind, many of us initially suppose that we really love a person only if we are ready to die when their lives come to an end. Of course, ideas of such kind gradually vanish in our heads, though Juliet and Romeo are still believed to be the perfect lovers. Bearing in mind Shakespeares contribution to the world literature, let me state that he gave a bad example to the sensitive youth. Even now young people commit suicides without taking into account feelings of their parents and friends, when their beloved ones pass on to the Great Beyond. Though they should not forget that the death of one person is already a tragedy and it is very selfish to make people mourn on two occasions at a time. For this reason it would be much more sensible for writers to make people understand that difficulties and grieves must not destroy us. No one is saying that one must shake all the memories off his head and behave as if nothing has happened, but one can cultivate kindness in the name of their beloved ones so that they could watch from heaven and feel your eternal love.
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